

Dr. CHAN Ngai Yin, Princess Margaret Hospital & North Lantau Hospital, Hong Kong


Prof. LAU Chu Pak, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong

Prof. YAN Ping Yen Bryan, Prince of Wales Hospital, Hong Kong

Issue editors

Dr. CHAN Ngai Yin, Princess Margaret Hospital & North Lantau Hospital, Hong Kong

Dr. CHAN Yat Sun, Joseph, Prince of Wales Hospital, Hong Kong

Prof. Erik Fung, The Chinese University of Hong Kong & CUHK Medical Centre, Hong Kong

Prof. LEE Pui Wai, Alex, Prince of Wales Hospital, Hong Kong

Prof. LAU Chu Pak, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong

Prof. YAN Ping Yen Bryan, Prince of Wales Hospital, Hong Kong

Dr. YIU Kai Hang, Queen Mary Hospital, Hong Kong

Prof. YU Cheuk Man, Baptist Hospital, Hong Kong

Prof. SIU Chung Wah, David, Queen Mary Hospital, Hong Kong

Dr. MOK Ngai Shing, Princess Margaret Hospital, Hong Kong

Editorial Board

Dr. CHAN Ka Chun, Alan, Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Hong Kong

Dr. CHAN Yat Sun, Joseph, Prince of Wales Hospital, Hong Kong

Prof. CHEUNG Man Yung, Bernard, University of Hong Kong & Queen Mary Hospital, Hong Kong

Dr. CHUI Shing Fung, Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Hong Kong

Dr. FAN Yue Yan, Katherine, Grantham Hospital, Hong Kong

Dr. KO Tak Him, Patrick, Private Sector, Hong Kong

Dr. LAM Cheung Chi, Simon, Queen Mary Hospital, Hong Kong

Dr. Lee Kang Yin, Michael, Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Hong Kong

Prof. LEE Pui Wai, Alex, Prince of Wales Hospital, Hong Kong

Dr. MOK Ngai Shing, Princess Margaret Hospital, Hong Kong

Dr. Tsui Kin Lam, Pamela Youde Nethersole Eastern Hospital, Hong Kong

Dr. Tee Joo YEO, National University Heart Centre Singapore

Dr. YIU Kai Hang, Queen Mary Hospital, Hong Kong

Prof. YU Cheuk Man, Baptist Hospital, Hong Kong

Prof. Charalambos ANTONIADES, University of Oxford, UK

Prof. Marianne BRODMANN, Medical University of Graz, Austria

Dr. CHAO Tze-Fan, Taipei Veterans General Hospital, Taiwan

Dr. Mario EVORA, Macau Government Hospital, China

Dr. HUANG Hsuan Li, Taipei Tzu-Chi Hospital, Taiwan

Prof. Takanori IKEDA, Toho University, Japan

Dr. Yoshio KOBAYASHI, Chiba University, Japan

Prof. KIM Hyung Kwan, Seoul National University, Korea

Dr. Michael PAPADAKIS, St. George's, University of London, UK

Dr. Shinji KOBA, Syowa University, Japan

Dr. L. Bing Liem,UCSF Medical Center, USA

Dr. LEE Jong Young, Sungkyunkwan University, Korea

Dr. LEE Pil Hyung, University of Ulsan, Korea

Prof. Masato NAKAMURA, Toho University, Japan

Prof. Hiroyuki OKURA, Gihu University, Japan

Dr. YU Wen Chung, Taipei Veterans General Hospital, Taiwan

Administration Staff

Ms. Janice Lo, Editorial Board, Journal of the Hong Kong College of Cardiology, Hong Kong College of Cardiology

Ms. Monique Sin, Editorial Board, Journal of the Hong Kong College of Cardiology, Hong Kong College of Cardiology