Volume 30, Number 3 (2023) March
Original Articles
Procedural and Clinical Outcomes of Dedicated Venous Stents in Acute and Chronic Venous Obstruction: A Retrospective Single Center Study
GuangMing Tan, Madeleine G Yan, and Bryan PY Yan
Outcomes of Catheter-Based Interventions for the Treatment of Intermediate to High-Risk Pulmonary Embolism in Patients With High Bleeding Risk: A Single-Centre Experience
Lawrence TH Chan, Chi-Wing Wong, Ho LAM, Yu-Ho Chan, Bryan PY Yan, and GuangMing Tan
Review Articles
Diagnosing Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy in Athletes
Chalisa Srisukajorn, Tamonwan Megan Jirakulaporn, Helen C Huang, Erik Fung, and Polakit Teekakirikul
Precision Medicine for Cardiac Ion Channelopathies in Hong Kong: From Case Reports to Identification of Novel Genetic Variants and Development of Risk Prediction Tools using Population-based Datasets
Sharen Lee, Ngai Shing Mok, and Gary Tse
Case Report
Ilio-caval venous stenting for the treatment of severe post-thrombotic syndrome due to multiple sites of iliac vein compression
Lap-Shing Chan, Bryan PY Yan, and GuangMing Tan

- Editor-in-Chief
- Dr CHAN Ngai Yin
- Issue Co-Editor
- Dr. Tan Guang Ming
- Issue Co-Editor
- Prof. YAN Ping Yen, Bryan